17 May 2007

Welcome, Welcome

My first blog.

For my inaugural post I will introduce myself. My name is Chad. I am a writer by nature, even though I sometimes neglect my talents, and I enjoy music. This blog is dedicated to both of these loves. As I am studying to be a journalist, my writing is usually featured as such, and I am currently a regular with my college's newspaper, The College Times. My articles can be accessed on the netxnews website by typing my name into the archives.

For the most part this blog will be show reviews, CD reviews and commentary on, usually, music-related matters. The first few posts are going to be archival - articles and whatnot that are somewhat dated. When I've caught up, I'll start some new material.

I am also on myspace, but am particular about requests and such. If you want access to my myspace page, please message me first.



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