I have uploaded the PDF final version of the magazine, which I've titled WDC! Music Magazine. WDC! is just an acronym for When In Doubt, Clap! For the present time, I am hosting the file as a download on Mediafire. Here's the link:
Instructions for download: For those not familiar with sites like Mediafire, just clikc the link and when the page comes up, there will appear a link on the left side of the page that says "click here to start download." Click that blue link and the file with the magazine will begin downloading to your computer.
Hope you enjoy the magazine. For optimal viewing of the layout itself, make sure you adjust your viewing option in Adobe Reader so that you can view two pages side by side, like a spread. For reading the articles, however, the closer the better.
I'm looking forward to hearing what people think, so don't be afraid to leave a comment.